
Firewatch background pc
Firewatch background pc


The resolution to this mystery just didn’t work for me. I’m being spectacularly vague here, but the game is so heavy on story that any more details would damage your experience.īut here lies my biggest issue with Firewatch. She’s a reassuring voice in the darkness, but the game cleverly uses this against you too. It plays brilliantly to these feelings of loneliness, and Delilah becomes an emotional lifeline: for Henry and you. The mystery (that’s as specific as I can get) is intriguing, and you become aware of how isolated Henry is, miles from any city, alone except for a voice on a walkie-talkie. I might have been imagining it, but from this point on, as I walked through the trees, I was sure I could hear the crunch of twigs behind me. The mood of the forest changes too, from a safe, solitary place to somewhere where you feel like you’re being watched.


Just as you’ve settled into the easy rhythm of Henry’s new life, you’re faced with a series of unnerving experiences, and the change is quite jarring. What begins as a gentle David Attenborough documentary suddenly turns into an episode of Lost, and the pace gets more fraught as a result. A series of strange events, including a brief glimpse of a shadowy figure in the woods, sets a mystery in motion that shifts the tone of the game dramatically.

firewatch background pc

A joke is always waiting if things get too saccharine.īut this calm can’t last forever, and it’s not long before your daily routine is interrupted. And the dialogue is touching, but never feels cloying or forced. The way their relationship grows, and how they comfort each other at low points, is wonderfully written, even though they communicate entirely by walkie-talkie. Cissy Jones, who plays Delilah, is great too, and the chemistry between the two characters is one of the highlights of the game. He has a wry, self-effacing sense of humour, and I enjoyed spending time with him.


Henry is played by Rich Sommer-Mad Men's Harry Crane, TV fans-and his performance is superbly understated and naturalistic. You never see his face, but his limbs alone have more personality than some entire characters in other games. Everything happens in the first-person, and I love the chunky, expressive animations of Henry’s arms and stubby, hairy legs as he scrambles up rocky cliffs, picks things up and examines them, and reclines at his desk. It’s more about story, ambience, and exploration than any kind of challenge. There are some problems to overcome in the wilds, like abseiling down shale slides with climbing ropes, locating supply caches, and finding ways around impassable areas, but it’s not a taxing game at all. And although you’re almost always in conversation with Delilah, there are some sections of quiet where you can enjoy the game’s excellent environmental audio design. This limited use of scoring makes the times when the music does come in more special, because you know its arrival heralds something emotional, dramatic, or revelatory. Games filled with amazing storytelling can be bought for any platform- PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or Nintendo Switch. If you prefer smart drama and important decisions over dumb, flashy action, here are some of the best video games you should check out.A stylish, minimal soundtrack by Gone Home composer Chris Remo uses sparse layers of electric guitar and bass to give weight to important moments, but most of the time all you can hear is the sound of nature around you: trickling streams, rustling leaves, the quiet howl of the wind, squawking birds. Then there are the more experimental ones, like text-based phone games with puzzles for readers to solve. Some are first-person shooters with a heavier focus on story, but others are point-and-click adventures and third-person exploration games. These games place such an emphasis on story that they're more like interactive fiction than traditional video games. Some of the best-received games of the past few years are loved because of their plots.

firewatch background pc

However, narrative and storytelling can be just as important as realistic graphics or even gameplay itself. Developers gush about how the latest PlayStation and Xbox consoles deliver buzzwords like bloom lighting, particle effects, 4K, ray tracing, and normal mapping.


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  • Firewatch background pc